So, Logan had his pinewood derby last week. He and Michael found a unique design on the internet, and it turned out fun. At the derby they decided the Lego skateboard rider was creating some drag, so they removed him and the car was faster! The round things on top are magnets attached with velcro so they could adjust the weight when necessary.
He came in about the middle of the pack and had a lot of fun. He recieved the "skater dude" award for originality. It was the most unique car there for sure.

As the second counselor in the primary, I am on the cub committee, and it was my turn to provide the treats, so Ty and I made a ton of cupcakes. He helped me put the candy hearts on the top. I think Ty was the most excited of all of us to go to the derby. We all had a lot of fun!
Very cool car!! I've never seen one like it, way to go Logan!
By the way, those cupcakes look super yummy!!
That is an awesome pinewood derby car! It is fun to watch the boys enjoy these scout activities!
that is by far the coolest pinewood derby car i've ever seen!! what a fun dad too :)
Way to go Logan! And I really want one of those cupcakes!
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