So... my new years resolution is to update my blog more often... and I really mean it! We're only a couple of weeks into the new year, so we will see how I do, but I'm really hoping to do a better job.
We spent Christmas this year in Richfield with Max & Peg. Kelli and Carter and Mycah and Kaydence were there too. As many of you know, I started a part time job as a substitute rural mail carrier this past November, and I ended up working a lot in December... almost full time. It worked out well, because Michael always has a bunch of "use it or lose it" annual leave saved up by the end of the year, so he was able to be home with the boys while I worked.
There are 8 rural mail routes in the areas surrounding Cedar City. As a substitue carrier, I'm assigned to be the primary sub on a specifice route... route 6... so I give the regular carrier a day off each week... usually Saturday. So normally I would just work each Saturday, about 8 hours a week. During December I would usually go in and run parcels for several of the regular carriers due to the large quantites of mail for Christmas. Because the schedule was so crazy, I only had Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off. So we went to Richfield the night before Christmas Eve, and I got up early the morning after Christmas to come back and deliver the mail Saturday, and handle primary on Sunday. Then I went back to Richfield for a couple more days.

Everyone coming upstairs to see if Santa had come!

Christmas morning was as fun as always. Ty got a dinosaur play tent and lots of "rexies" as he likes to call his toy dinosaurs from Santa. Logan got two Star Wars games for the Wii with the light saber attachments for the Wii-motes. They both got tons of fun stuff and had a great time playing and playing and playing. I'm having difficutly uploading the photos I want, so I apologize for not posting more, but there will be more photos to come! Here's to a lot of blogging and photos in the new year!
It's good to have ya back!
Love your new background! Hope you can have a break in January...that was a lot of work without many days off! Looking forward to new pictures :)
Yay! I'm glad you updated and I am looking forward to reading more updates soon. Happy New Year!
It looks like you had a great Christmas! I can't wait to see more updates! Love you guys!
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